This is one of the kind course - AI 101 - made by and for HackCon! This course provides a hands-on introduction to Artificial Intelligence guiding learners through essential AI concepts, workflows, models, and applications.
The course begins with an exploration of supervised learning for classification, where students will understand the basics of labeled data and how to build models that can categorize new information effectively.
From there, we delve into convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for image classification, focusing on how these powerful models recognize patterns in visual data. Finally, the course covers natural language processing (NLP) techniques, with a focus on sentiment similarity analysis.
Students will learn how to process and analyze textual data, applying AI techniques to assess and compare sentiments within text. By the end of the course, participants will gain the capabilities of building new AI and Machine Learning workflows and methods for classification, enabling them to build and apply AI models to real-world problems.
The purpose of the course is to teach you AI from the ground up. You will learn and create your own AI models that you can use to recognize images (intro to AI), then text, sound and more. Then you can use the same techniques to create your own models that you can use to analyze data streams to "catch" malware, unwanted data traffic, and more.
This is a basic introduction to AI. After HackCon#20 HackCon will invite to annual courses (online) in AI so you can create your own models to detect malware, attacks and much, much more! If you want to learn AI and use it whitin the securoty field - than you should also take the annual AI course!
The course will be taught by Assistant Professor Solomon Sonya who is an internationally renowned speaker and course instructor. Here you can read more about Solomon:
Solomon is a passionate reverse engineer and software developer focusing on AI, analysis of malware, covert channels, steganography, and computer network exploitation. Solomon has devoted many hours in academia mentoring students and teaching Computer Science techniques.
Solomon’s current research areas include next generation AI, remote administration tools, command and control protocols, digital forensics, computer system exploitation, and network security distributed systems to better understand threats and develop solutions to secure enterprise networks.
This is a course developed by HacCon that you won't get anywhere else. If you want to understand and learn AI, this is a course you shouldn't miss!